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Lucas Quek

From the smallest of groups right up to the largest and most influential of organisations (such as the Singapore government), the idea of “continuity” is a major concern – especially since it concerns the unknowable future. The significance of this matter has been magnified by the various disruptions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the shocks from the Ukraine conflict.

In particular, the most unknowable aspect of “continuity” is that of manpower and leadership. Thus, the activities of “continuity-planning” and “succession-planning” are critical parts of every organisation (regardless of size, domain, or history). The Lord’s church is, and should be, no different. 

A couple of weeks ago I preached a sermon on the topic “What’s Going to Happen?” whereby I hope to have encouraged the members of the congregation to think about how we as individuals are preparing ourselves for eternity. In today’s article, I hope to highlight the necessary, virtuous, and unending cycle of preparing for the future.

What is God’s pattern for “future-proofing”?

We need to look no further than God’s word for examples on continuity of His work.  Let’s consider the following 3 examples and draw out 3 key lessons for our learning:

Moses and Joshua

After successfully leading the Israelite nation out of Egyptian captivity (Exodus 14:31), we see how Moses already began the process of moulding the next generation through his mentoring Joshua and involving him in the many events leading toward the promised land:

  • Fighting the Amalekites (Exodus 17:9-16)

  • Bringing Joshua into the mountain to receive the two tables of stone written with the finger of God, as well as the many instructions of the Lord for His people (Exodus 25:1- 31:18)

  • Sending Joshua to spy out the promised land (Numbers 13)

  • In accordance with God’s command: publicly laying hands on him, setting him before the priest and congregation to inaugurate him, delegating some of his authority (Numbers 27:18-23)

  • Charging Joshua with the accountability of the inheritance and actions of the Reubenites and Gadites (Numbers 32:28)

  • Appointing Joshua to be one of the two men tasked with dividing the land (Numbers 34:17)

  • Providing guidance and instructions even in his dying moments (Deuteronomy 31:7-8)

Result: we can thereafter see how Joshua accomplished all that he had been charged with from the beginning of his leadership (Joshua 1:1), through to the securing of all the Promised Land (Joshua 21:43-45).

Future-proofing part 1: Intentionally building bridges to and for those who will surpass us. Taking a keen interest in grooming them, not just from a distance, but in a direct and intense manner.

  • We see this principle echoed in Paul’s instructions through Titus to the older women in how they should conduct themselves (2:3), and establishing the baseline from which they can teach the younger women in all matters (2:4-5)

Reuel / Jethro and Moses

Staying again with Moses, let’s examine what we can learn from his relationship with his father-in-law, Jethro – the priest of Midian.

We see the relationship that both of them have when Jethro brought the wife and children of Moses to be reunited with him after the battle with the Amalekites (Exodus 18:1-12). The next day, Jethro observed Moses judging the people and gave him advice (Exodus 18:18-23).

What Moses did thereafter was very instructive (Exodus 18:24): 

  • He hearkened (listened) to the voice of his father-in-law

  • He did all that his father-in-law advised

Result: we see how Moses lasted the next 40 years wandering in the wilderness together with the Israelite nation, and if not for his disobedience against God’s command to speak to the rock, how he might have himself entered the promised land.

Future-proofing part 2: paying heed to and accessing the instruction and experience of predecessors.

  • Moses at this point is about 80 years old, and has successfully brought millions of people out of the land of Egypt. He also just accomplished a great victory over the Amalekites. Yet, he still hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law.

Paul and various contemporaries

Finally, turning to the New Testament, let’s briefly examine the life of the apostle Paul from the beginning of his ministry to the end.

  • Immediately following his conversion, Paul was aided by the disciples in Damascus who helped him escape the Jews who took counsel to kill him (Acts 9:25)

  • He was supported by Barnabas in his bid to be joined to the brethren in Jerusalem (Acts 9:26-27)

  • In Corinth, he dwelled with Aquila and Priscilla, brethren of the same craft as he. Paul stayed on in Corinth for an extended period before continuing on his journey together with Aquila and Priscila (Acts 18:1-18)

  • In his epistles, Paul names specific congregations and individuals – those who have been of help and influence to him in his work, and those who he sent greetings, instructions, exhortations to for their benefit

Result: Paul’s influence can still be felt today through what was recorded about him and by him – we are beneficiaries of the efforts of the brethren who in Paul’s time encouraged and supported his work for the Lord.

Future-proofing part 3: being mindful and supportive of our peers and those around us.

  • Paul could not have put it any better when he exhorted us that we are to be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind, each esteeming other better than themselves, looking on the things of others (Philippians 2:1-4)


This topic of “continuity” requires our keen interest, heed, and mindfulness about. It affects the future of the church, and therefore should be of great concern to us as individuals

In summary, the pattern for continuity is when one:

  • Reaches forward to bridge the future

  • Reaches backward to access the past

  • Reaches around to support the present

All this can only happen when we are together as the Church. Therefore, I urge you to consider: who in the Church are you going to bridge, access, or support today?

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