(continued from last week)
Qualifications of Deacons and Their Work
There is also another special group of brethren called deacons. A deacon is a servant. According to Thayer, “the word deacon is a transliterated word from “diakonos” which means one who serves, waits upon and ministers. A deacon is thus a special servant, as seen in Philippians 1:1 and they are to submit to the eldership of the local congregation.
Deacons must be married to one wife and rule their children and household well. They must be proved, grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not guilty of filthy lucre, and holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience (1 Timothy 3:8-12).
Deacons will be delegated work by the elders and have responsibility and charge of a specific area of service. The deacon will be an example to the believers in service.
Members of the Church
We have seen that Christ is the head of the church. Each local congregation will have an eldership consisting of a plurality of elders and deacons (being servants) to support the elders in the work of the church. These deacons will be in subjection to the elders. There will no doubt be members of the Church who will not hold the office of an elder or deacon. Every member, including the elders and deacons are individual members of the body of Christ.
Individual members of the church are called ‘saints’ (Philippians 1:1). Some other scriptural names given to members of the Lord’s body are ‘disciples’ (Acts 20:7), ‘Christians’ (Acts 11:26) and ‘brethren’ (1 John 3:14). The members of the Lord’s body will also include the evangelist or preacher. The evangelist or preacher is just one of the members whose role is to teach and preach God’s word (2 Timothy 4:2, 5) and to train others (2 Timothy 2:2)
Responsibilities of Members Towards Elders
According to 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, members have to ‘know’ the elders. An esteemed elder in the brotherhood wrote that members should be acquainted with the elders, to learn about their Church elders and let the elders learn about them. Members are also to esteem the elders very highly in love for their work. They will respect elders and heed the instructions given to them. Members also need to be at peace among themselves and not do anything that will be grievous to the elders.
As elders are given authority over the local congregation, members are to submit to the elders (Hebrews 13:17). This will mean that members will need to be humble and remain teachable. The Hebrews writer also wrote that members should imitate the faith of the elders (Hebrews 13:7). Elders will have set a good example in their daily conduct and in faith and it will be good to follow after them. Whenever members have problems or are in need, they should go to the elders for help (James 5:14).
Early Church Organization by the Apostolic Fathers
Men who lived near the time of the apostles or who knew the apostles were known as apostolic fathers. Some of their writings, which were uninspired, show proof of the organization of the church in the first century. For example, the Didache “speaks of bishops and deacons of the local church”. In Polycarp’s letter which was addressed to the church at Philippi in AD 115, he mentioned elders and deacons and counselled the church to submit to them. There were also other such uninspired writings that referred to elders and deacons of the early church.
Thus, these uninspired writings showed that there was an organization in the church that was strictly adhered to as recorded by the inspired writers of the New Testament.
The Lord organized His church in the way He wants it. Elders will have oversight of the local congregation and be independent from other local congregations. Elders will protect the flock and also feed their souls with spiritual food. Deacons are a special group of servants and they will not fulfil the same role as elders. There must be plurality of elders but it is possible to have only one deacon.
God’s pattern for the organization of the church has to be followed. There is wisdom in such a pattern. Many deviations from this pattern have caused the church to do things which are not pleasing to God. There are so many approved examples in the New Testament of such an organization and it would be foolish to go against the will of God.
Ask Yourself:
Where can we find the qualifications and roles of deacons?
How should members of the church treat elders?
What happens to the congregation if there are no qualified men to be elders?
Suggested Answers:
1 Timothy 3:8-13.
They have to esteem elders highly for their work, get to know the elders, respect them and submit to them (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:17).
You may discuss this with the writer or any Bible class teachers.