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Eddy Ee

It is often the case that when our brothers and sisters in Christ miss the assembly on Sundays, they think that their absence goes unnoticed. While some are absent out of necessity due to sickness, injury, or travels; others willfully and intentionally refuse to attend Sunday worship for reasons that are not acceptable. The difference is that those with valid reasons want to attend but cannot; while those who are absent with no valid reasons can attend but would not. 

This article speaks specifically to brethren who choose not to be present, as though implying that there are more important things to do than fulfilling God’s will for His children to be together on the first day of the week. It seems like these brothers and sisters do not realize how their absence loudly speaks volumes of the discouragement felt by those whom they refuse to meet.


The prophet Elijah, even when he had spoken to God directly, was discouraged when he thought there was no one else who sought God but himself (Romans 11:1-4). While other members of the church may be present, each one is important to God as he is to the laborers--the preachers, teachers, and elders. The intentional absence of a member, though he may be the only one, is a loud discouragement to God’s laborers as this makes them feel abandoned and forsaken (2 Timothy 4:9-17). This is especially magnified if other members develop the same mindset that being absent from church assemblies is inconsequential.


It is an absolutely serious matter for Christians to neglect and reject the Gospel of Christ (Hebrews 2:1-3). However, it is even more serious when Christians cause others to do the same (Luke 17:1-2). Our brothers and sisters who willfully refuse to join the assembly are not only denying the salvation that is found only in Christ for themselves, they are also causing others to do so. While there is considerable time spent with people of the world, it is not positively influencing them to do the will of God (Matthew 5:16). Rather, one’s absence from the church assembly and presence in the world essentially expresses that it is not totally important to do what the Bible says. Consequently, potential Christians will be discouraged from pursuing to find God since those who claim to be God’s children are not any different from themselves. 


God knows that it is impossible for man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven by himself. Thus, He sent Christ to offer mankind the gift of being citizens of His kingdom. Furthermore, He ordained means to consistently help His children to attain this grand pursuit. Part of this is having His children assemble on the first day of the week that by their togetherness, they may edify one another, support each other’s spiritual growth, offer concern for one another, prepare one another to help save the lost, and provoke one another to seek the Kingdom of God. 

However, one’s absence is a loud discouragement to members as it implies the unwillingness to sacrifice even a few hours of the day to uplift his brethren. One’s absence is a way of saying that other children of God are not important enough for him to make the time and efforts in edifying, supporting, and provoking them.


As Satan is doomed to the fires of Hell, he seeks for others to bring with him. He desires to ensnare people and lead them astray from the love of God (1 Peter 5:8). Willingly refusing to attend the assembly is willingly succumbing to the desires of the enemy rather than the desire of the Father. Satan is very loudly encouraged that he does not even have to try as hard to lead God’s children astray as they are willingly doing this themselves. 


One’s absence may not make a true audible sound, yet it brings a deafeningly loud discouragement to many. Thus, contrary to the common notion, the absence of a brother or sister is definitely noticed and felt. None of us should want to be lost, but it would be absolutely sad if we do simply because we have lost interest in preparing ourselves for eternity in Heaven while we spend our limited time on earth. Even if brethren are absent out of necessity like sickness, let us inform the elders who have oversight over us and are shepherds of the flock, knowing that they care and will keep us in prayers.

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