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Leong Han Seng

While reading into Genesis, I stumbled upon a verse mentioning Abram being referred to as “the Hebrew” (Gen 14:13). This sparked my curiosity, leading me to ponder its significance. Through biblical reference, I will uncover why individual such as Abraham and Joseph were referred as Hebrews. My thought on the Hebrew word has evolved throughout the span of writing this article. These are the meanings which I learnt: 

  1. Hebrew as a language.

  2. Hebrew people were addressed as foreigner.

  3. God spoke to Hebrew people.

Hebrew as a language

The word Hebrew carries a meaning as one as Eberite. In first meaning, it was suggested that Hebrew language was originated from the descendant of Eber. This is because both the Hebrew and Eberite word share the same root word in Hebrew writing. Eber was the great grandson of Shem (Gen 11:10-14). One of possible reason that commentator suggested that Hebrew came from Eber’s descendants, was because of significant father-son relationship mention between Shem and Eber (Gen 10: 21) despite Eber wasn’t his son. In Mattew Henry’s Commentary, it is suggested that God confused the language of Men after they decided to build Babel tower. And God preserve Hebrew language for his people.

However, this suggestion was doubtful because Hebrew language did not spread afar after Eber. Joktan, the son of Eber migrated to Sephar (known as modern day South Arabia) (Gen10:30) and there is no evidence of Hebrews language was spread there. Clearly its a fact that Hebrew language existed long ago, by the evidence of Old Testament writing. However, its origin was not known.  

Hebrew people were addressed as foreigner

Hebrew mean “one from beyond”. Before Israelites came to the land of Canaan, Egyptians and Philistines were Canaan’s inhabitants. The Canaanites addressed the Israelites as foreigner because they came from beyond the land of Canaan. Abraham crossed the Euphrates River to the Canaan; he was addressed as the Hebrew (Gen 14:13). Joseph and the midwives were addressed as Hebrew (Gen 39:14 & Gen 11:28). 

God spoke to Hebrew people

Interestingly Apostle Paul called himself as the Hebrew (Phil 3:5). This clearly cannot mean a language nor a salutation. In the Epistle of Hebrews, Hebrew writer wrote to the Hebrew people regarding Jesus Christ as the High Priest. But who are these Hebrew people? It is written:


God who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by prophets. (Hebrew 1:1)

Hebrew are obedient people guided by the prophets. The prophets were God’s messenger in the Old Testament. To elaborate further on Heb 1:1 verse, it means the Hebrew were God’s people during the times of prophets. They believed in one true God, not many gods. The ways can be represented His Manifold and what God’s spoken words can represent His Wisdom. Wow, it’s an intriguing verse. Now we have this bible that record the manifold of God’s wisdom provide for his people through time. 


I hope this article can provoke you to find out more on Hebrew word.

Q1) Which one of the following characters is NOT called a Hebrew?

  1. Jonah

  2. Joseph

  3. Abimelech

  4. Apostle Paul

Q2) What is the meaning of Hebrew?

       Ans: One from beyond or Eberite

Q3) Reflect on the times when God spoke to his people through prophets? 

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