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Kelvin Cheok

I believe many of you reading this article will have heard a piece of good news before. When you hear such news, you would usually get excited and then you would share the good news immediately with a person who is close to you. You would not stop there, but would continue sharing the good news with others.

For the past three years since the Covid-19 pandemic started, there was a series of lockdowns in Singapore – albeit on different scales. The moment a press release was issued on any relaxation of restrictions imposed by the government, messages on Whatsapp or social media sharing the details will be posted and disseminated far and wide. People just want to share the good news they have received immediately. People love to share good news.

We became Christians as a result of the good news of Jesus Christ that was shared with us – the gospel. We came to know about God and Christ as a result of someone sharing with and teaching us. A question to ask ourselves is, “have we been enthusiastic in sharing the good news of the gospel with others”? We are indeed thankful to the elders for the decision to embark on a congregation wide evangelism course during bible class for the first six Sundays of 2023. Indeed, there is much we can learn and prepare ourselves for, as we go about fulfilling the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. 

We will consider the need to share with people the good news of the gospel:

  1. Because of Jesus’ preciousness

  2. Because of Jesus’ promise of eternal life

  3. Because of Jesus’ proclamation that all power is given to Him

We need to share because of Jesus’ preciousness

Jesus is precious. An example and declaration by God of His preciousness will be how the apostle Peter talked about Jesus being the chief cornerstone, precious and that whoever believes in Him shall not be ashamed (1 Peter 2:5-6). There is also a demonstration of His preciousness by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins and that He is our intercessor (Hebrews 9:14-15).

Jesus is precious because of His atoning blood. He cared so much for humanity that He came to earth in the form of man so that He could empathise with us and be that perfect example for us (John 1:14; 1 Peter 2:21; 1 Peter 1:19). During the course of His ministry, Jesus showed much compassion when he healed the sick, drove out demons, fed the hungry and rose from the dead. Jesus came to earth because only He can die for our sins. He was sinless. His blood will be accepted for our atonement and so His blood is precious and valuable. No other person in the world can die for our sins. Jesus’s love for us was so great that He went to the cross and died for our sins (Romans 5:6-8).

Jesus is also precious because He is the light of the world. Jesus said He is the light of the world and He will be the guide to all mankind (John 8:12). He is also the WORD (John 1:14) and the Psalmist wrote that God’s word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalms 119:105).  Thus, Jesus’ presence in the world provides the illumination for all of mankind to know their way to God through His words.

We have the cure for sin today – it is the gospel! What would our friends say if we do not share with them the good news of the gospel? 

We need to share because of Jesus’ promise of eternal life

A “promise” is “a declaration that something will or will not be done or given by one” according to Jesus described the promise of eternal life by saying that the water from Him would be living water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:10-14). He also said that one who has faith in Christ shall never die (John 11:24-26). Jesus also said one who follows Him as sheep is assured of eternal life (John 10:26-28).

Although Jesus promises eternal life, this promise is conditional – the conditions must be complied. These conditions are found in the gospel (Hear-Romans 10:17; Believe-Hebrews 11:6; Repent-Acts 8:37; Confess-Luke 13:3; Baptise-Acts 2:38). Our mission is to tell people about Jesus’ promise of eternal life and the conditions required.

We need to share because of Jesus’ proclamation that all power is given to Him 

Humanity is enslaved in sin. Paul said all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Sin is the transgression of God’s law (1 John 3:4). Sin separates man from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). The only solution  for God’s forgiveness, which can be obtained only because of Christ’s blood (Titus 2:14).

Jesus proclaimed Himself to be God and divine. At His resurrection, He had proven Himself to be God. He said ‘all power is given to Him in heaven and in earth’ (Matthew 28:18). As God, He also gave the executive order of the Great Commission which is to preach the good news of salvation. He told His disciples to preach the word to all nations and for them to teach others to continue doing the same (Matthew 28:19-20).

God desires all mankind to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). We have the example of early disciples carrying out the command of the Great Commission, by spreading the good news of Jesus. Peter preached Christ on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41). Even when the disciples were persecuted and scattered all over the world, they went everywhere preaching the word, including the example of Philip who preached Christ (Acts 8:4-5). Indeed, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all mankind (Romans 1:16-17). Just like the early Christians, we are bringing to people the cheer bringing word when we share.

Brethren, we are in the ‘safety’ of the church because of the good news (gospel) that was shared with us following our obedience to the gospel. We need to tell others of the gospel because of the preciousness of Jesus, His promise of eternal life and His command for us to share the gospel with all mankind. Since the gospel of Christ is the power of salvation, let us go tell it today! Hopefully, all of us will be able to make good use of the evangelism course that is being conducted. Let us learn and listen with a humble heart and most importantly do!

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