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Titus Goh


You’ll meet many many people in this life. The majority of which aren’t Christian. When you talk to and interact with different people, you’ll begin to realise that everyone has different goals in life. Their motivation to work towards these goals may differ a lot. Most may want to be rich, but only a select few try extremely hard, even giving up their morals for it. Some might want to travel the world and explore the vast beauty of God’s creation. Some might want to learn new things and excel at their passions. Some might just simply want to keep making music. Even among Christians, the goals and aspirations of each individual are remarkably unique. What you want to do with life is the objective, and so your goals and how much you want them define who you are as a person. And so, as Christians, we are defined by a very big goal that we should all have in common, and our willingness to pursue that goal. That goal is to enter the kingdom of heaven, and to live eternally with God in the end. 

Matthew 7:13-14 reads, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Unfortunately, not many in this world share the same goal or motivation as us. To some, heaven might just be a passing thought, someplace where they would like to end up. This motivation might manifest in their actions in the form of the occasional good deed, or prayer to a god they do not know. The majority of them are misguided by Satan, and do not know the truth. Hence it is our duty to point them in the right direction, even if it may be difficult sometimes.

For ourselves, the goal of getting to heaven may not be so simple to follow at times, because it seems far away. So it may help to break it down into smaller goals. Things like attendance, daily bible study, bringing friends to church, organizing Christian events, and so on can be goals we set for ourselves to stay on track. We must always take care to remember the ultimate goal and avoid getting lost in trying to get there.

Over our time on earth, many things will happen that might distract us from life’s true objective. Ecclesiastes 12:13 reads, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.” It is normal to lose heart occasionally. But in tough times, when it’s difficult to find the drive to walk forward, it is helpful to remind yourself of the ultimate goal, and you’re not alone. Reach out and surround yourself with fellow Christians because as Christians, we are there for each other, all walking together in the light towards our common goal.

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