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Janelle Cheong

“It takes a village to raise a child” is a saying that we often hear. I may not be a parent, but I do see why this is a popular saying. As I approach my thirties soon, I seem to have become more sentimental. Babies whom I used to carry in my arms are now navigating their teenage years. It is heartening to witness the next generation blossoming into young adults, and to see my peers take on new roles such as being a spouse and parent.

I realised that in my journey to where I am today, I had more than my birth parents caring for me. I had an extended family- the family of God. I am thankful for this family of God. Many of you have played a vital part in my growing years and shaped me to who I am today. This positive experience of growing up in the Church is something that I hope others can have as well.


1. Early Exposure to God’s word

Many biblical principles and Christian values that I hold to were instilled at a tender age. It is important that adults in the congregation help to lay the foundation for the young ones (Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Ephesians 6:4, 2 Timothy 3:15). Anyone can provide the opportunity for learning about God’s word and His love. With children, this can be as simple as reading a story from the Old Testament or singing choruses together. This is not solely the task of teachers but kudos to our Junior Bible School teachers for acknowledging the importance of this. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and creating a conducive environment for growth and learning within the Church.

2. Examples to Follow

It has been a privilege having multiple mentors and role models in the Church who lead by their example. It is essential that we are faithful Christians who can set a good example to others (1 Timothy 4:12, John 13:15, Titus 2:6-8). When faced with dilemmas or uncertainties at various stages of my life, I always had big sisters/brothers and aunties/uncles that I could depend on for sound advice. Thank you for keeping a lookout for me and being a role model whom I can look up to.

3. Encouraging Support System

It is lovely to have friends in Church whom we can count on. It is significant that every Christian can establish a strong support system within the Church. Hence, it is crucial that our community is welcoming and supportive. As Christians, we ought to encourage and edify one another (Hebrews 10:24-25, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Galatians 6:2). I am grateful to have long-standing friendships in Church that developed from my childhood. In times of joy or challenges, I appreciate that I can seek out my close friends in Church first, rather than turn to my non-Christian friends. Thank you, friends and brethren, for being people whom I can trust and rely on.

Indeed, it is wonderful to be part of the family of God. We do not have to feel lonely while growing up or feel lonely even in the parenting journey as a Christian. I am thankful that young ones in Church will get to experience the love and warmth of God’s family, just like I did. This is my encouragement to everyone in the congregation to keep up the good effort. This is also a reminder not to undermine the role we play in each other’s lives. “Aunty Janelle” and other aunties/uncles are willing to stand with you and are happy to support you!

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