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Goh Chee Young

Some time ago, I came across a motivational quote which caught my attention. It says, “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles”. This quote was made by Christopher Reeve, the American actor best known for playing the title character in the 1978 movie “Superman”.

During the publicity campaign for the Superman movie, Reeve was often asked the question “What is a hero?”. And the answer came to him easily and he repeated it many times whenever he was asked that question. His answer then was “a hero is someone who commits a courageous action without considering the consequences”.

Unfortunately, he met with a tragic accident during an equestrian competition in 1995 which injured his spinal cord, and he was paralysed from the neck down.

After that accident, Reeve’s perspective of a hero was totally changed as he gained greater insights to life. In 1998, he published his autobiography and in it he gave his new definition of a hero - 

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

According to his new definition, anyone can be a hero. There is nothing special about a hero. A hero is just an ordinary person. But an ordinary person who is able to gather the strength to persevere and endure in spite of very difficult circumstances.

Now, if you take away the word “hero” and replace it with “faithful Christian”,

“A faithful Christian is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

Looking at this statement, it does quite accurately describe to us an important and essential attribute that a faithful Christian needs to have. We do not need to be highly educated or multi-talented to be a faithful Christian. We do not need to be charismatic or spectacular to be a faithful Christian. A faithful Christian can just be an ordinary person. But an ordinary person who has that inner steel, that determination to push on, to endure so that he does not lose sight of the heavenly goal.

Definition of “Endure”

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “endure” as to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful. Often, we also use similar words or synonyms in place of the word “endure”, like "abide", "bear", "stand", "suffer" or "tolerate". While all these words mean “to put up with something trying or painful”, the word “endure” seems to mean more than just putting up with something difficult.  To endure implies continuing determination or resolution through trials and difficulties. In other words, when you endure, you are determined to press on, and not just simply bear with tough circumstances.

The word “endure” is even more meaningful when you look at its Chinese equivalence. The Chinese character for “endure” is the pictophonetic word - 忍. This means that one part gives a clue to the meaning of the word, while the other part gives a clue to its sound. The word 忍 can be split into two parts – 刃means the edge of a knife while 心 can mean the mind, heart, intelligence or soul. The character 忍 (endure) is therefore formed by placing the “knife” over the "heart”, implying that to endure is not something easily achieved but requires a higher level of discipline and willpower. So to 忍 (or to endure) is not merely tolerating something unpleasant but putting up with something that not only can hurt us physically, but also can wound us deeply mentally, emotionally, or even spiritually.

Trials are Inevitable

We are told from the Bible that trials and tribulations are inevitable, especially in a world filled with sins. This is even more so for Christians who will receive persecution for standing their ground and wanting to do the right things. David said in his Psalm “many are the afflictions of the righteous” (Ps 34:19). We are also told that our Christian struggles are not merely against flesh and blood of this world but also a spiritual battle, a battle against Satan and his devices (Eph 6:12).

Thus, we learn that developing endurance is necessary for Christians. Jesus taught in the sermon on the Mount that the path to eternal life is difficult and only few can make it (Mat 7:14). We should therefore not be misled into thinking that once we obey the Gospel, life will be a bed of roses.  We should not be surprised that we may still have to suffer much difficulty in life even though we have become a Christian (1 Pet 4:12). But all the patient longsuffering will not be in vain for we all have been promised something much better in heaven (Heb 10:36; 2 Cor 4:17; Lk 21:10-19).

Paul, in his parting words, told Timothy to “be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Tim 4:5). There was no man more qualified than Paul to give advice to young Timothy on suffering for our Lord Jesus. Paul had been imprisoned, stoned, whipped, shipwrecked, and exposed to death often (2 Cor 11:23-28). In spite of all these sufferings, Paul managed to endure the suffering, keep the faith, and finish the race (2 Tim 4:7).

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2Ti 4:7)

Looking at Paul’s example and bearing in mind the definition of “endure”, to endure is more than just to tolerate or continue to exist. It is continuing to be the same person as before the suffering began. If Paul had lived through the suffering but at some point admitted defeat and stopped being obedient to God, or no longer laboured for the cause of Christ, he would not have “endured”. If he had reacted to his sufferings with bitterness or anger, Paul could not have said that he “endured”.

Being Faithful and Enduring are Inseparable

Putting together what we have discussed, being faithful and the ability to endure suffering are key attributes of a Christian. You cannot be a faithful Christian without spiritual endurance, neither can you endure in a Christ-like manner without being faithful. These two attributes are interdependent. If you want to be a faithful Christian, you cannot but be bound to suffer hardship, pain, trials, sufferings, and heartaches. And if you want to go through this life enduring ‘successfully’ as a Christian, you cannot do so without faith. Without faith, that trust in God, it is impossible to get through life without buckling under the weight of affliction and hardship (Php 4:13).

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Php 4:13)

Thus, it is always good to remind ourselves that while faith does not make things easy, it makes things possible (Lk 1:37).

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