Many a time, we believe that we are in control by the ways and means we employ to deal with our life situations. It is not wrong to trust our instincts and the life experiences which we have undergone to make decisions. However, in many circumstances we may have to trust God more before coming to our decisions. Oftentimes, we have already decided on the course of action, then we turn to the Lord and seek His blessings as an afterthought. “I have already decided, now God bless me” attitude. In the more important decisions of our life, it is always prudent to think and pray about it, before we come to a decision.
Isaiah 55:8-9
V8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.v9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My ways higher than your ways,And My thoughts than your thoughts.
Decision Making Examples from the Bible
1 Sam 16:7 - Samuel
“But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
In the selection of the person to replace the inept king Saul, the Lord declared to the prophet Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or his physical stature because I have refused him (other candidates). For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
When one goes for an interview, the outward appearance is one thing, but it does not give a wholesome picture of the person.
Prov 31:30-31 - Selecting a Spouse
V30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.v31 Honour her for all that her hands have doneAnd let her works bring her praise at the city gate,
Selecting a spouse is the second most important decision of our life. What do we look out for? Our decision in choosing a life partner will lead us to many, including unintended consequences. Have we prayed about it? Did we consider the near and far future of our decision? Did we consult an elder person, or discussed it with people who can provide sound advice?
If the apostle Paul was single and available today, would we consider marrying a tentmaker? This was the man who would lead millions to the Lord, even today, as we read of his inspired work in the Scriptures. Would we decide our life partner just based on his/her occupation?
2 Kings 5 - Naaman
Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army would have returned to his country still a leper if he did not take the advice of his female Israelite young lady to seek assistance from the prophet in Israel. Later, with pride, he turned away from Elisha’s advice, but fortunately listened to his servants, relented, obeyed Elisha’s instructions and was healed. His decision is like some of ours sometimes. Isn’t there a Word from God we can turn to? Are there no Christians to whom we can talk and discuss our problems? Our challenges are not unique that no one can advise us.
Jeremiah 37:17 “Is there any word from God”
King Zedekiah had the prophet Jeremiah by his side, yet locked him up in a dungeon. He released the prophet secretly and sought his advice about his coming war with the Chaldeans – Babylon. Jeremiah, the inspired prophet, calmly told him that “you shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon.”
Sometimes our Christian, fellow believers can see what we cannot (or refuse) to see and give us advice which we don’t like to hear. This may be about jobs, studying overseas, seeking a spouse, buying or investing and such matters. But rather than be cautious, we jump right into the furnace.
King Zedekiah had Jeremiah brought to him a second time in Jeremiah 38:14-21. He was hoping to get a more favourable reply from the prophet (from God) to his conflict with Babylon. We are also like this. If the good advice does not fit our requirements, we try and see if we can receive something to our liking. We even turn to people who will tell us what we want to hear.
Jeremiah advised the king to surrender - game over. Again the king hesitated. The city fell to the Babylonians. Zedekiah was made blind and taken away as a prisoner. Jeremiah was not harmed.
There are many examples of decisions made in the Bible that ran contrary to God’s Word. Stop, think, pray, seek advice from the right people. “Is there a Word from God?” instead of “I have decided, please bless my decision now.” Note that even after we sought advice, even if God’s plans and ways for us may not be to our satisfaction, still trust in Him always.
Ask Yourself:
Why should we seek advice from the Scripture?
What was Zedekiah’s failure?
Was Naaman’s behaviour due to pride?
Suggested Answers:
We can learn from the success and failure of the Bible characters. We can avoid similar pitfalls.
He was not a good man from the beginning, even with the prophet in his kingdom, he did not seek advice sincerely.
Pride was one factor, but his refusal to take the counsel of the prophet almost caused him to remain a leper.