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Janelle Cheong

So chances are, by now, you would have probably heard about a famous American singer that came to Singapore last month to hold her concert. I was also one of the thousands and thousands of people who attended that long-awaited concert. Without a doubt, she was indeed the talk of town and our neighbouring countries. You probably saw her featured on the local news or even heard our local politicians making references to her songs and lyrics in Parliament. 

Through this recent event, I noticed that there were certain characteristics that her fans,  who are also known as Swifties, had. I could not help but draw parallels to us, followers of Christ, also known as Christians (Acts 11:26). Can others tell that we are followers of God? As a follower of God, how do we demonstrate our zeal and enthusiasm for God? What preparations are we making to meet God? Below are three characteristics that I noticed a fan/follower usually has.

1. They Know His Word

Throughout the concert, Swifties could be heard singing along and shouting the fan chants. A hallmark of a true fan of a musician is knowing his/her lyrics by heart. Similarly, if we say we love God, how well do we know His word? Knowing the scriptures can come in handy in times of need, such as when we are faced with challenges or require encouragement (Colossians 3:16, Romans 15:4). Additionally, familiarising ourselves with the word of God can help us guard against sin and guide us in our daily lives to make better decisions (Psalm 119:10-11 & 105). In Matthew 4:4, we read about Jesus using the scriptures when He was tempted by the devil in the wilderness. Perhaps you and I can commit to memorising Bible verses that we find meaningful and important. 

2. They Tell Others About Him 

Ask any Swiftie and they will be more than happy to share with you how they got to know her music and why they enjoy it. How about us as followers of God? Are we excited to share about God? Sadly but truly, this may be a sign of how much we want others to know about God. Take the example of Paul in the Bible, he seized opportunities to share the gospel with others, even when he was imprisoned (Acts 16:25-34). We need to remember our duty in evangelism (Matthew 28:19,20). We should find joy in talking more openly about God and the gospel.

3. They Love His People 

As part of the concert tradition, Swifties would exchange friendship bracelets with others who attended the concert. Despite being strangers, fans approached each other with a smile to exchange friendship bracelets and take photos together. The atmosphere at the concert venue was warm and welcoming. How is our relationship with our fellow followers of God? Have we been friendly and welcoming to one another? Do we greet each other when we meet (Romans 16:16)? As Christians, we have a common bond that links us together, and that is our Love for God. We are commanded by God to love one another (John 13:34-35 & Mark 12:31, c.f. John 14:15). We should extend kindness and concern to all, beyond just brethren and visitors (Galatians 6:10). Let us put in the time and effort to strengthen our relationships with one another.

If we claim to be a true follower of God, people around us should be able to tell that we are so, by our behaviour and conduct. As we continue our Christian race on this earthly world, we should do our best in preparation to meet Him one day. I hope that the thought of being able to meet God brings about anticipation and excitement for each one of us, more than any concert would. 

Ask Yourself: 

  1. Where can the scripture that Jesus quoted in Matthew 4:4 be found? 

  2. As mentioned in Mark 12, what are the first and second commandments instructed by Jesus?

  3. What are some other characteristics you think a Christian should possess? 

Suggested Answers:

  1. Deuteronomy 8:3

  2. a) Love God with all thy heart, all thy soul, all thy mind and all thy strength

    b) Love thy neighbour as thyself

  3. You may discuss this with the writer or your Bible class teacher.


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